
Actio (formerly Enormor) and Brutus

Both of these products have been developed by combining occidental and oriental knowledge. 

Dr. Rer.Nat. Uwe Häcker, a German toxicologist and advisor to the World Health Organisation provided the occidental.
Louis Vanwonterghem, a Belgian explorer who spent decades in Tibet studying Tibetan medicine brought the oriental.
Recently, a newly developed technology was added to the manufacturing process. This modifies the physical structure of the powders into the hexagonal forms which can be most easily assimilated by the human body.
The formulation of the products has been constantly refined over the years to improve effectiveness and the present formulation was put into production in May 2020. 
Both products are 100% made from plant material, gluten free and even vegans can use them without problems. 
Further products are in various stages of development and the first of these, “Immune Booster” is now available in the test offer.
To read further details of the products click on the appropriate picture here below.


One pot of Actio or Brutus is sufficient for about one month.
From 2 pots upwards, delivery is free
See the right column on this page for order options

At the moment, for bureaucratic reasons, both of these products can only be delivered within the EU, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

With Parkinson's (and his "twin brother" Alzheimer), Multiple Sclerosis and ALS, it is also necessary to remove the poisonous heavy metals (mercury, aluminium, etc.) which are the predominant cause of these illnesses. To this end, Karma Singh has developed the Clearing Transmissions which disintegrates these nerve toxins where they are and causes them to be converted into warmth which rapidly dissipates.

These are available on a DVD here:-



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Tyrannosaurus Pharmaceuticus R.I.P.
by Karma Singh:

This book is an expose of all the lies

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